The source code is composed of two bash scripts, and is a simple wrapper script that invokes will rarely, if ever, change. will be regularly updated. By putting (nearly) everything into a single script (, it makes it much easier to:
- Version - Each new version respects the changes made in the prior one, and the entire file is self-consistent.
- Audit - It is much easier to view and monitor the changes in ONE file as opposed to many files, especially across numerous deltas.
- Sign Code - As each new version is generated and posted, it is signed with a detached signature. Before a new version is accepted and applied, it is first checked for a valid signature. See this link for more details.
- Transfer - At around 50k lines (currently), the file is still only about 1.8 MB in size, which makes it very lightweight for downloading newly updated versions. Even though this is rather large for a bash script, it is a function-based approach - there are around 900 functions.